Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The best marketers ever...

If there is one company that took their product and blew it off the map, it's AXE. The AXE brand creates body spray, body wash, deodorant and other hygiene products for men. They came onto the market around 9 years ago and have become the dominant force in male products, surpassing Gillette, Old Spice and Right Guard.

The key is their amazingly inquisitive commercials. The best example is the internet only axe ad, displaying their line of body washes. Each one has a "Ability" such as Hydration, Snake Skin, etc. Watch this amazing commercial and you'll see marketing at it's finest.

Now that you've seen it, let's see if you can catch the suggestive and intelligent marketing strategies.
1) The tiles in the shower change color according to the color of the body wash he's using
2) The settings for the "3 day/night" experience are color coded to the washes themselves.
3) After the "Animal" scene, he's wearing snake skin pajama pants, then washes with Snake Skin Axe Body Wash
4) It ends where it began....

Here are some more great Axe Commercials

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