Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sarah Palin is a Stupid Bitch

I hate Sarah Palin. In fact the mere thought of her drives me so crazy that I find myself doing anything I can (Washing dishes, doing laundry, playing Madden) to get my mind off of this insidious woman. John McCain can personally thank her for single handily destroying his campaign, and making him look like a complete moron.

Maybe we all forgot, but Sen. McCain was ahead of Obama in the polls before making his incredible VP pick. And when he made his pick, the public practically freaked out. For good reason, I might add. The woman knows jack about what is going on today in America and around the world. The McCain Campaign cover up is that "She brings a fresh perspective to the table, she'll shake up Washington, blah, blah, blah" The TRUTH is that he picked her to combat the "Change" theme Obama had going on, and to pull women/Clinton vote his way. I mean, that has to be why right?

You can't try to tell me that John actually picked this woman because of her credentials...because now that it's all out on the table, it's clear to see that she has NONE. This comes down to Mr. McCain making a horribly unethical decision, with his personal campaign interests in mind over the interests of the American people and the Presidency. Everyone knows how old he is, and everyone is well aware of his health problems. So, we all know that there is a strong likelihood that he could become ill during his term as president (if elected of course). It is his DUTY to select a running mate with the experience, wisdom, and knowledge of the American Government/Current Events/Foreign Policy, and the Vice President's position in the White House, because the chance of McCain's running mate having to take over for him is a more prevalent issue then it has ever been in the history of any presidential candidate. Knowing this makes his selection of Sarah Palin a selfish and irresponsible one, and it could have dire consequences. Let me give you a few reasons why I hate Gov. Sarah Palin, and why you should too.

1. Sarah Palin is Full of Shit
This woman has nothing to her name but a pack of lies. Now, before you say anything, every candidate lies. Biden, McCain, Obama, all lie. But this woman has lied about EVERYTHING that she uses as her staple of the "Maverick VP". Here's the key examples:

"I said thanks, but no thanks, to that bridge to nowhere..."

LIE. We now know that she in fact wanted the "Bridge to Nowhere" and petitioned heavily for the money to Washington, it was only when they denied it that she turned against it. (Check my enclosed videos for the goodies)

She's strongly dejects the lobbyists and earmark spending in Washington, and wants to do something about it...

LIE. If that's the case, Americans wouldn't know about the lobbyist from Washington that Palin hired to take control of operations in a city in Alaska, or how she asked for billions in earmarks for crap like "the study of crabs and sea life".

The fact is when she tells you how she took on the "Washington Elite" and stood up for what she believes in, she really means, "I wanted to be their friend but they screwed me... so screw them, I never wanted to be their friend anyway."

2. Stop Treating Me Like a Hillbilly Idiot
Who the fuck is "Joe-Sixpack" anyway? Do you know who he is? I sure as hell don't. Just the name alone strikes images of a trailer trash moron with 5 kids, living off welfare and food stamps, drinking his Keystone Ice and bitching about his wife. This is her aim at Middle-Americans? This is who she thinks they are? I'm supposed to relate to that? I'm Middle-American, and so are you. My bet is most us us either live in Apartments or Housing developments, have normal jobs I.E retail, construction, customer service, etc., and we are fairly educated about current topics in America. We are not "Hockey Mom" lovin', "you betcha" listening idiots.

I personally find her approach to reach out to the "everyman" strongly offensive. Hey, don't treat me like a dumb ass, and don't sell yourself like a cheerleader on National Televison with that annoying infliction in your voice trying to make me feel special. When she talks, it's like she's talking to a child. Not down to you, but like a filler of "whatever" so I can't see that she's full of shit. I don't care if that's how she talks back in Alaska, you're running for Vice President of the United States. Try to sound a little more educated...and don't give your 3rd grade class extra credit during a televised debate. Jesus....

3.Sarah Palin is Full of Shit
You've no doubt seen or heard about her interviews with Katie Courick on NBC Nightly News and with Charles Gibson of ABC World News. If you somehow missed it, they're embedded in this rant. What ensued during these interviews will go down in history as the most public embarrassment of a VP candidate in history. Now certain media (Ahem, Fox News) will try to tell you this was "gotcha' journalism" or it was a setup to make Mrs. Palin look bad, but the truth is that these were honest candid interviews that went bad because of Sarah Palin. She is fucking retarded.
Both Katie and Charles showed looks of shock and disbelief in Palin's answers. You guys, these were basic questions that needed to be asked and we not all that challenging.
"Do you agree with the Bush Doctrine?"
"What newspapers or magazines did you read to stay informed, and to understand the world?"
"What insight into Russia does the proximity of your State give you?

These questions were answered by her in the worst way imaginable. I know what the Bush doctrine means, and (despite what her defenders say) so do most people. It's pre-emption against another country, and a lot of people dissagree with it. Katie 's asking of the magazine reading was not to challenge her or pop-quiz her, most people would just like to know: does she watch CNN, read People, Time, Newsweek , ANYTHING!!!! JUST NAME SOMETHING!! Don't flip it around to make her sound like she was insulting the people of Alaska for Christ's sake! That's just plain pathetic.
Personally, that question bothered me the most, even though a lot of people brushed it off. Why? It's natural for people to get their information from particular sources, be it T.V, radio, internet, publications, etc. If someone asked me off the goddamn street, "Hey, where do you get your information from?" I could say: CNN,, The New York Times, and I like to listen to Radio-casts like Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, etc. not because I agree with them but just to open my mind and get the blood flowing. Was that hard for me? NO. Did I get nervous or confused? NO. For her to not name a specific publication at all is appaling and really says a lot about the person she is. And once you see her views on world issues (Pakistan and the Bailout Bills are key examples) you'll realise that she most likely didn't give a shit about anything outside of lovely Alaska, and now she's playing catchup.

Don't let people confuse you. Those interviews and her debate with Joe Biden are who Sarah Palin really is. A Stupid Bitch. She thinks that Dick Cheney's representation of the Vice President is okay, and that the VP should have a stake in the legislative branch. NO WAY. Honestly, she probably didn't know that he was that big of a fuck-up and that the Vice President should have nothing to so with the legislative branch, but that is not our problem and in now way should we feel sorry for her. She tells you she has executive experience. That's like saying a car is a "luxury car" because it has leather seats. A KIA can have leather seats. He not-even 2 years as Governor of Alaska does not qualify her for the position whatsoever. And Sen. McCain knows that. That's why the place so much emphasis on how she's "one of us", rinse and repeat.

Listen, it's not her fault that she's a dumb fuck, really. Sarah just started her job in podunk Alaska when John McCain called her up. And she probably really wanted the position (who wouldn't) and lied to him when he asked her if she knew what she was getting herself into and if she was prepared to handle such a responsibility. Remember, they barely even know each other. They keep her away from the spotlight and direct questions, and probably spend 6 hours a day in a sealed room catching her up on what is going on and teaching her about the world topics at hand. Because, just cause' she thinks that she has Foreign Policy experiance because she can actually see Russia from land....doessn't make it true. (On a sidenote, CNN correspondants actually went to the location/town she descibes where Russia can be seen...and they didn't even know who she was.)

Fox News did an interview with both of them last night, basically just to make them look good and maybe help boost the polls. It had now actual questions but consisted of anti-Obama claims and the most bias and opinionated interviewing ever given. (By Shawn Hannity of all people....what a suprise) But even in this "Home Field" enviroment, you could see the tension. Look at the McCain-Palin duo when they are around each other....they look awkward, and John looks pissed. Pissed that he picked that moron siting next to him because of his own personal agenda, pissed about how she ruined herself on National Television and how he's had to spend the last month cleaning up after her mess instead of focusing on his canidacy, pissed that he is now behind in the polls and losing key states...having to resort to attack stratagies instead of dealing with real issues like our fucked up economy, and pissed off because this is his last chance at greatness and he put all the chips down on a great looking, lame-duck race horse.